Monday, 11 May 2015


I note with interest the inputs of various political journalists, politicians and pundits since last Thursday’s election. Experienced political commentators like Bell, Macwhirter and Frith I found most enlightening.

It seems we made a grave mistake on that fateful day. We appear to have misunderstood democracy. We trooped out to our allotted polling station, in our hundreds of thousands and innocently put our cross in the wrong box. If we had any sense we would have learned the Egyptian lesson. You cannot simply vote for who you like. No, that is not democracy. 

So, next time we have the temerity to think we have a choice, could you help us and tell us which candidates will be acceptable. It will save us all time and anguish.

May I also suggest the remarks attributed to the actor Frances Barber, Sunday Herald 10 May ( Maxine Frith article ) could be seen as an incitement to racial hatred.  

Wednesday, 6 May 2015

destroy the scottish labour party - election day 7 may 2015

We are on the eve of heading to the polls and Scottish Labour still do not get it.

For a good many people in Scotland, in particular the old industrial belt across the centre, a new game has hit town. Forget your policies, it is deeper than that.

For many years the majority of the working class across the central belt
has been born into Labour families, generations of them. 

Hell would freeze over and they would still drag themselves to the polls to defeat the hated Tories. That meant, in the main, voting Labour, in their droves. Margaret Thatcher simply reinforced that whole movement and her 'influence' as the years passed only served to strengthen the hatred of Tories. Illogical or not, she was hated and still is in many quarters, as is the whole Tory movement.

So what has changed? The polls are predicting a complete Labour meltdown and they seem at a loss as to why.

I am not a pollster, but I am connected and I listen. Today I listened to five died in the wool socialist and lifelong Labour voters. Just ordinary folk, not political activists, just folk, who coincidently would never, in any circumstances, bring themselves to vote Conservative.

The first thing that struck me was that every one of them said that for the first time in their lives they were excited about voting. Yes, excited, could not wait to get to the polling stations. Why?

Everyone of them said they wanted to destroy Labour in Scotland. I have heard a lot of these same sentiments this last few months.

It is as if they have stumbled out of the unthinking darkness, blinking, but not for long.

  • Years of listening to various Labour politicians berating the house of Lords, committed to destroying that unelected house of privilege. McConnell, Prescott and more. So where are they now, jings, is that them and their pals wearing ermine robes? It is you know.

  • Then there was the expenses theft. “ Oops, sorry folks, just a mistake, didn't understand the system”. Will try not to let it happen again. Well, just to remind you, it was not confined to greedy Tories, a few 'confused' Labour members had their noses in the same trough. A Labour Home Secretary managing to mistakenly claim a hundred thousand, another Labour cabinet member snaffling £30,000, mind you she did apologise and eventually paid it back. Another buying a house on the grant, our money, then renting it out for a fortune and moving into an hotel to stay. Oh, forgot to say, at our expense. And on and on. Lest I forget, we are still waiting on the £100k being paid back, but don't hold your breath.

  • Then Labour cheerfully supported the Tories vote through their various austerity measures. But how could they do otherwise, they were in Government when our economy went down the tubes in the first place. Not only that, but the then Chancellor screwed thousands of working people out of their pension rights. Yes, a Labour Chancellery.

  • In many of Labour's west of Scotland fiefdoms the employment rate is woeful and the life expectancy is lower than many in third world countries.

  • Then there is the whole issue of invading and bombing our way across the East.

  • And they sold off huge tracts of our land, our family silver, to international corporations so these corporations could develop the land they had been given. What did we get in return, oh the schools and hospitals that had been their and in our ownership were demolished and rebuilt and leased back to us. And we borrowed £50 billion to pay for that and by the time we pay it back in twentyfive years it will have cost in excess of £300 billion. Oh and that is called PFI or to give it its more modern name PPP. And so we have been bought and sold for some shiny baubles. Hmmm! Is that not what we did when we invaded the Americas two or three centuries ago? By the way, we won't own any of the schools or hospitals and will have to seek new leases.

So the penny is slipping out of their hands and dropping to the ground and not before time.

But despite all that, the ordinary Labour supporting folk stuck by them because their was nothing else, because their grannies and grand dads would turn in their graves if they considered putting their hard earned cross anywhere else.

Then last September, a glimmer of light, was it hope, was cast across them. Their was an other option, another choice and they awakened from their slumbers and looked forward with anticipation of a new day. And on the eve of that new day, out from the barricades came the old guard, Brown, Darling, Blair and more and they warned them to get back and stop dreaming. Then the old guard was joined by more 'old guard', but these were Tories and they stood shoulder to shoulder with their 'old guard' and together they were warned to forget the dream, their will be no new day. Trust us, you are valued and we will look after you. And time past and their anticipated new day, their hopes and the light were quashed.

But under the ashes there was still an ember and it grew and it was ignited and the folk, yes the ordinary folk, the ones who had been weaned on Labour, gradually and with increasing confidence emerged from the ashes and a peaceful revolution was afoot. And they looked back and realised, we have been duped we have been used and we are sick of it. And there was only one cry, and Labour did not hear it, because they were not listening, because they are arrogant, they had forgotten where they came from and they preferred ermine robes and they had become unworthy, and the cry was simple and unequivocal, 'Destroy Scottish Labour'

And tomorrow they will.

Monday, 12 January 2015

sleepwalking into a police state

A recent correspondent to the letters page of the Glasgow Herald newspaper is correct in his understanding of when police have power to require a breath test. His concern that officers of police Scotland are acting outwith their powers is also correct. Not only in terms of use of the breathalyser should he and others be concerned. Their loose interpretation of stop and search powers require examination. Your own journalist Paul Hutcheon has done a good job in this regard, however it seems to little avail as the practice continues. In fact one supervising officer recently told me that they, police officers, are to use the term consensual search and if a person does not consent they are to be pressurised by suggesting they must have something to hide.

Centralisation of the police service has brought about the foregoing and worse to a service that, until the change to a single force, was centred in and answerable to communities. That is no longer the case and I can evidence that by reminding you of the following:

We were hardly into the new single service when the Chief Constable informed us that the days of solving the communities problems are over, the new service is about control. Is that change of direction based on listening to the communities he serves?

Officers routinely arrest and commit to custody at least one person from every domestic violence incident. Evidence is not the deciding factor, no it is a directive from the centre.

Recently a pensioner was arrested and committed into custody for an offence it took the police four days to attend to. The three elements that need to be considered before deciding to bring a person before a court the next lawful day are as follows:

  1. seriousness of the crime ( the fact it took the police four days to take any action suggests it was not that serious ),

  1. continuing threat / danger to the public ( the four day gap before police acted with no other incident negates that 'arrest' element ),

  1. finally, the likelihood of avoiding justice by absconding ( the accused was 71 years of age and had resided at his house for in excess of forty years )

It is oppressive policing, supported by political dogma and it is no consolation that many serving officers recognise it as such, however are so intimidated by the ruling regime they simply get on with it.

The strength of our police service lies in a simple triangular principle;

  • the law,

  • discretion,

  • the power invested in each officer through their warrant card.

Each serving officer, from constable to chief constable, is invested with the same power to carry out her or his lawful duty. Rank is not invested with any more power to discharge lawful duties.

Centralisation, well certainly that being carried out by police Scotland, has and is further eroding that simple principle. Officers are not trusted to make decisions, these are made at the centre. There is no discretion and the concept of the warrant card and each officer having equal powers to discharge lawful duties is history.

Allow me to quote a more learned person on this subject:

Lord Denning, in the English Court of Appeal, while accepting that the police are answerable to the law, reiterated the cardinal principle of police independence:

'No minister of the Crown can tell ( the commissioner ) that he must, or must not, keep observation on this place or that; or that he must, or must not, prosecute this man or that one. Nor can any police authority tell him so. The responsibility for law enforcement lies on him. He is answerable to the law and to the law alone.'

In short, while referring to the Commissioner, he was talking about every police officer being individually answerable to the law for her or his actions.

We are sleep walking into a police State and whilst each step may seem benign it is not until you have travelled the path for some time that you realise you have forgotten where you started. Then you are lost.