Monday, 21 February 2011

clocks to change?

Mirabell, have you heard the latest? Will you stop and listen a minute.

OK, what is it?

People are talking about changing their clocks.

Changing their clucks, I don't think that's a good idea, I couldn't change mine.

You've not got one.

I have so.

I've never seen you with a clock.

A clock? What are you talking about, I've not got a clock, I'm talking about my cluck, I thought that was what you said they were going to change.

You've got feathers in your ears, nobody said anything about clucks.

Anyway what difference would it make to us chickens.

Well it's quite complicated. There is CET and BST and there's even GMT and people want to change them about a bit to stop it being so dark in the morning.

I've never heard of them, what are they.

Oh, it's really easy; CET is Chooky Egg Times and the other one, BST, well that's just Bantam Sitting Time and that last one, GMT, that's the easiest, its just Grain Munching Time. Do you get it now?

Now that you've explained it, it makes a lot of sense. But what I am still finding a bit difficult is, how will that help the people in the north of Scotland see where we lay our eggs.

I think we will need to sit on that one.

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