Saturday, 18 January 2014

scottish police stop and search half a million

Police Scotland has just announced it's 'stop and search' results. Of some half a million searches about twenty percent seem to have been positive.
As all such searches have to stem from reasonable suspicion or with the agreement of the person being searched and as, as far as I understand, all such police activity is intelligence led, how does one explain the four hundred thousand negative searches?

1 comment:

  1. The negative search results indicate two things; the searches are a large net cast with minimal probable cause, and people either don't know their rights or are blind to their importance. It will now only take the arrival of a government with a darker purpose to fully suppress individual liberty. Seems to me that the low information subjects are conniving in the elimination of their own liberty. The current ruling junta will point to these same results as proof positive that their actions are reducing 'crime' and 'protecting the children'.
