Following is another nine days of diary transcript. (where I am unsure of what was written I have added comment in brackets). In this photograph taken in the camp, my dad is the small one in the very back row.
occupants of a hut - my dad is small guy on back row |
January 11 (Page four)
Stayed in camp today mending boots. The lads were on sugar beet to the station and met a Sgt from another command who said there was a Xmas parcel. Candie (not clear what this word is) parcel and bulk issue in Stalag. The guard tried to arrange for a trip to Stalag tomorrow but can’t manage. Going in on Saturday. Done not so bad today for going to grt rations up also. P.R.Cross.
January 12 (Page five)
Shoe making all day. The lads were on thrashing. Cyril and Eric go to Stalag tomorrow. Hope to have mail and parcels.
January 13 (Page six)
Was on sacks at machine, got disappointed. The lads came back from Stalag with Xmas parcels and Canadian. I had two letters from Jan (Jim?). Part of a bulk issue in Stalag yet but none on the way. Brooky went Clanslury (not clear) to load the tractor, 10 o’clock and still not back. Got a drink of tea tonight, first for some time. Still no mail from home. Eric had a parcel of cigs and Finy had two. Had a pipe from Finy to smoke the tobacco we had issued (then word that looks like ‘dravas’?) from Stalag.
January 14 (Page seven)
Did well for breakfast, had a real day for food. Did not get up till after 12 o’clock. Eric and Cyril gave me breakfast in bed. Play bridge at night, did not finish the game. Had a pipe given me and a tin of tobacco issued, so I am starting the life. Wrote to Jim tonight. As I had no more cards I did not write home. Turning in at 10 o’clock.
January 15 (Page eight)
Worked on sacks at the machine again today. Had not a bad day snowed all the time but we finish before we come back to dinner. After dinner I was on root chopping and at night we put the thrashing machine away. Baron got a telling off today. Had a roll with meal (meat?) for breakfast. Played bridge at night, enjoyed the game. Had a long talk with George and Jock. 9.30 turning in, reading Opium Clipper.
January 16 (Page nine)
Worked on chaff cutting part of the morning. Had a half hour in the billet then went of out for half an hour. Steam engine went away today. After dinner I was on root chopping for a little while then when off to get straw (?) of the road got very cold at night. According to the paper they have started to push in the east. Played a little bridge in the evening. Cyril and Yorky were at the distillery today but did not get any drink. Worked till 4 o’clock today. Change of hours half hour extra in the evening.
January 17 (Page ten)
Worked in the wood all day terrible day cold wind drifting the snow. Had hard luck for a hare it ran right in amongst us. Saw a friend of mine today. Had a duff for tea the first for some time. Played stop patience in evening turning in 9.15
January 18 (Page eleven)
Started today on root earthing with Brooky after dinner we were in the wood sawing wood. Bit of trouble with G. today started in the smith’s shop this morning. Wind blowing all day made work unpleasant. Rumours of a move but nothing definite. Played stop patience with Brooky at night got beat 3 games. 9.40 turning in.
January 19 (Page twelve)
In wood again today spent the day sawing with Rick. Strong wind today but I was warmer than yesterday had a bit of luck at night turned in at 8.45.
More to follow.
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